As an art director in advertising and as a photographer in public relations, I have designed corporate and individual identities. Nurtured by observing, conducting profound research and carrying notions into effect, my style of working is to empathise with my clients and their ideas to guarantee the authenticity of the public appearance and the communication concept.
Just recently, I have successfully finished my bachelor's degree programme in English and German Studies at Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main. Being sensitive to speech in all sorts of media, I have perceptibly ameliorated both my visual and textual vocabulary and my consulting ideas for the benefit of my clients.
It is my pleasure to reassociate corporate, human and more-than-human beings with their own nature while creating a sustainable environment of integrity and interconnectivity.
My latest creative work is about natural portraits and portraits of nature.

Simone Kiefer ©Thekla Ehling